Investigation into brittle flexural failure in composite laminates by crack band model and Hashin theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Technical and Vocational University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA


To assess the ultimate strength of polymeric composite laminates, various criteria have been proposed, however the response of composite laminates depends on characteristics of the specimens such as the type of material, dimensions of the specimens and the fabrication type. In this paper, the composite laminates, made of UD glass fibers and vinylester resin were examined under 3PB condition. Additionally, the FE models were used to simulate the mechanical behavior of specimens under 3PB. The degradation of stiffness and the ultimate brittle failure of the laminates were modeled using the Hashin damage in the matrix and the bundle failure model related to breakage of the fibers. The algorithm determined for the FE model, could predict the ultimate strength of the composite laminates accurately. A comparison between the experimental and the simulation results indicated the reliability of the modeling technique to assess both progressive and brittle failures in the composite laminates.


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