The effect of suction jet parameters on the control of the dynamic stall of a NACA0012 has been investigated at Reynolds number of 13500. Average coefficients and average aerodynamic performance were used to compare and evaluate the impact of different jets. Location, velocity amplitude, suction angle and orifice length were considered as the effective and changeable parameters in the suction jet. Angles of 30, 60 and 90 degrees and locations of 1, 4, 6, 10 and 20 percent of the chord length were selected to investigate the effect of the angle and location of the suction jet, respectively. Values of 0.01 and 0.005 of chord length were chosen for the opening length. Values of 0.04, 0.08 and 0.14 were considered for jet momentum coefficient at fixed orifice length. The results showed that the location of 4% of the chord length is more suitable than other locations for placing the suction jet, and by increasing the suction angle and approaching to 90 degrees, the jet had a better effect on the flow control. The effect of jet velocity and orifice size is such that increasing them improves jet performance.
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Kasmaiee, S. , Tadjfar, M. and Kasmaiee, S. (2021). Investigation of Suction Jet Parameters in Flow Control of Dynamic Stall. Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32(2), 181-200. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.71526.1042
Kasmaiee, S. , , Tadjfar, M. , and Kasmaiee, S. . "Investigation of Suction Jet Parameters in Flow Control of Dynamic Stall", Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32, 2, 2021, 181-200. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.71526.1042
Kasmaiee, S., Tadjfar, M., Kasmaiee, S. (2021). 'Investigation of Suction Jet Parameters in Flow Control of Dynamic Stall', Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32(2), pp. 181-200. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.71526.1042
S. Kasmaiee , M. Tadjfar and S. Kasmaiee, "Investigation of Suction Jet Parameters in Flow Control of Dynamic Stall," Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32 2 (2021): 181-200, doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.71526.1042
Kasmaiee, S., Tadjfar, M., Kasmaiee, S. Investigation of Suction Jet Parameters in Flow Control of Dynamic Stall. Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 2021; 32(2): 181-200. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.71526.1042
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