In this paper, solar/wind/battery hybrid system for different prime movers including diesel engine, gas engine and gas turbine with hourly analysis during a year is modelled and optimized for Kerman city. Fuel ratio is defined for comparison of system fuel consumption than traditional system. Number of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries as well as nominal capacity of prime movers are considered as design parameters. Fuel ratio and total annual cost (TAC) are selected as two simultaneous objective functions and Fast and Elitism Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) is used to find the optimum value of design parameter. The optimum result showed that hybrid system with diesel engine as prime mover is the optimum system in large zones of Pareto front with lower TAC and higher fuel ratio compared with the other studied prime movers. Fuel ratio and total annual cost in final optimum point for diesel prime mover are obtained 0.735 and 185456.5 ($/year). The optimum number of solar panels, wind turbines and batteries for the diesel-powered hybrid system are determined 1266, 19 and 822, respectively. In addition, nominal power of diesel engine obtained 163 kW.
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اداره ی هواشناسی استان کرمان، واحد تحقیقات و توسعه، کرمان.
Ahmadi, A. , hajabdollahi, H. and shafiey dehaj, M. (2021). Optimization of hybrid solar/wind/battery system with different prime movers (Diesel engine, Gas engine, Gas turbine). Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32(2), 61-76. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.69250.1011
Ahmadi, A. , , hajabdollahi, H. , and shafiey dehaj, M. . "Optimization of hybrid solar/wind/battery system with different prime movers (Diesel engine, Gas engine, Gas turbine)", Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32, 2, 2021, 61-76. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.69250.1011
Ahmadi, A., hajabdollahi, H., shafiey dehaj, M. (2021). 'Optimization of hybrid solar/wind/battery system with different prime movers (Diesel engine, Gas engine, Gas turbine)', Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32(2), pp. 61-76. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.69250.1011
A. Ahmadi , H. hajabdollahi and M. shafiey dehaj, "Optimization of hybrid solar/wind/battery system with different prime movers (Diesel engine, Gas engine, Gas turbine)," Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 32 2 (2021): 61-76, doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.69250.1011
Ahmadi, A., hajabdollahi, H., shafiey dehaj, M. Optimization of hybrid solar/wind/battery system with different prime movers (Diesel engine, Gas engine, Gas turbine). Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, 2021; 32(2): 61-76. doi: 10.22067/jacsm.2021.69250.1011
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